Apple Chicken Sausage over Summer Vegetables & Roasted Beets
Servings Prep Time
4 20minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4 20minutes
Cook Time
  1. Preheat oven to 375°F
  2. Mix zucchini, onions, olive oil and seasonings into a mixing bowl and toss until vegetables are coated.
  3. Place vegetables on prepared baking sheet and roast for 20-25 minutes until done, stirring on occasion.
  4. While vegetables are roasting, begin to cook chicken sausage and rest until done.
  5. Compose your plate with roasted vegetables then top with chicken sausage.
  6. Reheat roasted beets and add to your meal. Enjoy!
Recipe Notes

The Purpose: increase overall plant food intake, utilize fats to increase fat soluble vitamin absorption, promote the anti-inflammatory response, promote insulin sensitivity, regulate free-radical oxidation, rebuild and repair muscular micro tears, feed healthy bacteria and the microbiome within the gut, quick and easy, ability of vegetables to taste awesome.

Nutrition Information: gluten-free, nut free, dairy free
Calories: 460
Carbohydrates: 44 gms
Protein: 24 gms
Fat: 24 gms
Fiber: 6 gm
Sodium: 1,680 mgs
Added Sugars: 6 gms