Servings Prep Time
6 35mins total
Servings Prep Time
6 35mins total
  1. Combine all ingredients (except for the coconut oil) in a food processor and pulse until you get a smooth texture.
  2. Add or subtract ingredients as you desire.
  3. You should have a dough-like texture that is easy enough to handle but not too sticky.
  4. Preheat oven to 350°.
  5. Place chickpea mixture in a small bowl and begin to portion out 1/3 cup falafels.
  6. Preheat large non-stick pan to medium heat.
  7. Working in batches of 6, use 2 tblspns of coconut oil to pan sear both sides of the falafel – about 2 minutes per side.
  8. Set onto a baking sheet then begin to pan sear another batch.
  9. Bake falafels for ~5-8 minutes until cooked through and evenly heated. Enjoy!
Recipe Notes

The Purpose: increase overall plant food intake, replenish glycogen storage, capitalize on body’s ability to soak in carbs to replenish glycogen stores and bring down cortisol, rebuild and repair muscular micro-tears, optimize performance prior to race day, optimize performance pre-training session, prepare recipe that can be utilized throughout the week, quick and easy

Nutrition Information: potentially gluten-free, dairy free, nut free
Calories: 290
Carbohydrates: 29 gms
Protein: 9 gms
Fat: 17 gms
Fiber: 4 gm
Sodium: 580 mgs
Added Sugars: 0 gm